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Outback Lamb Cutlets

Crumbed cutlets with mashed potato, steamed greens and mint salsa

As I sit and type this I'm looking out the window at our sheep. It's late afternoon and they've got their heads down grazing, slowly moving across the paddock towards the dam.

I'd like to think there may be some rain coming in the next few weeks...otherwise things are really going to be getting very dry around here. Ironic considering the floods were only 14 months ago.

Still, its great weather for some comfort food, and crumbed cutlets sit perfectly in that category. So harden your arteries and get ready to perfect your crumbing technique. I've even included my secret tip for you.

It’s all in the prep – easy as, totally delicious and a hit with everyone. Who doesn’t love a crumbed cutlet? I reckon I’ve perfected my recipe over the years, but feel free to get creative 😊


2-3 cutlets per person

2 cups panko breadcrumbs (homemade breadcrumbs are a fine substitute)

1 cup chopped fresh herbs (a blend of any of the following is ideal - parsley, mint, oregano, rosemary)

¾ cup milk

2 eggs

Potato for mashing

Green veggies suitable for steaming (broccolini, asparagus, bok choy, brussel sprouts)

Rice bran oil for shallow pan frying (or use your preferred oil)


In a bowl blend panko breadcrumbs and the mixed herbs. Set to the side.

Mix the milk and 2 eggs together in another bowl. Set aside.

Heat the rice bran oil in a large frying pan until moderately hot – not too hot because the crumbs will burn, not too moderate because the crumbs will soak up too much oil.

Now for the production - it gets a little messy so get yourself sorted before you start! Have a tray ready (lined with baking paper) to set the finished product on.

Line up the cutlets, egg/milk mix, the crumb mix and the tray.

SECRET TIP: The Double Dip. It’s essential and keeps the crumb mix on the cutlet throughout the cooking process.

Dip the cutlet in the egg mix, then the crumb mix and repeat. Place on tray until all are completed.

Your oil should be ready to shallow fry the cutlets in. Just place the cutlets in with tongs and turn a couple of times. Do them in batches to keep the oil temp at the right level.

Serve with mashed potato and your favourite selection of seasonal steamed greens. Enjoy!


1 clove of garlic

¼ bunch flat leaf parsley

1 bunch mint

200mls grapeseed oil

1 ½ tablespoons chardonnay vinegar

To make the mint salsa, place the garlic, parsley, mint and grapeseed oil in the food processor and process until smooth. Transfer to a mixing bowl, stir in the vinegar and season with salt and pepper to taste.

Outback Lamb cutlets recipe

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